Recording Issues - PlaytestCloud: Be a Playtester app

We're sorry that you're having some difficulty with recording your playtest.

Before you try to record again, there are a couple of things you can check to make sure it will work properly: 

  • First, ensure that the PlaytestCloud app is selected in the broadcast pop-up menu. If you have done previous screen recordings, your phone may record to your camera roll instead.
  • Next, in the same pop-up menu make sure you have turned on your microphone. If the microphone icon is red, it means it is on. If it is not red, then your microphone is not recording and neither is your screen. Your device should look like this when you record:

  • Finally, make sure to start recording before you start the game. You will have to manually start and end all recordings. 

Important note about iOS:

In the case of iOS devices, you can also stop the recording from the control center (swiping down the screen from the top), but be mindful that you can't re start the recording from there. You still have to manually re start it from the PlaytestCloud app.

If you have followed all these steps then your recording should work. Of course, if you are still experiencing difficulties please let us know at