Article: The PlaytestCloud Tester Code of Conduct

We want you to have fun and to enjoy the testing experience, but we also need members of our player pool to understand the need to focus when playtesting.

Our Tester Code of Conduct below contains the rules that you must adhere to and what is expected from you when testing games on our behalf. 

When playtesting, please ensure you:

  • Are located in the country that you have specified on your profile;
  • Record in a quiet place, away from others or distractions;
  • Fill out your profile and screener surveys honestly, ensuring that the details provided in both match up;
  • Provide continuous, constructive, and clear thoughts and opinions in English (unless asked otherwise). Your device should also be set to English;
  • Remember you do not need to make any in-game payments unless explicitly asked by PlaytestCloud. Many of the games you test will be available on the App/Play Store, so if you make a payment you will be charged;
  • Do not enter your bank details or credit card details into any playtest that you receive;
  • Remain focused when playtesting: What we mean here is don't eat while you record or get distracted by other activities. Stay actively and fully engaged in the playtest itself.
    • Don't forget that general cursing is okay as we understand it's a natural response to gaming - we all do it! We want you to react to the games you're testing as naturally as possible, so you can curse as long as it's not excessive.
    • Also, as the intention is to send the recordings to the developer, if a playtest includes any cursing directed personally at them, we will not use the recording and the tester will not be rewarded.
  • Do contact if you have any problems with a playtest, using respectful language.

If you are attending an interview, please ensure you:

  • Are ready in the PlaytestCloud app at the time requested in your invite;
  • Let us know if you are unable to attend the interview as soon as possible; and
  • Take part in the interview to the best of your ability, showing respect for the developer and being mindful of what your camera displays.

You must not:

  • Discuss any game you have played with anyone, as outlined in the NDA;
  • Take screenshots or screen recordings of the games, unless you are reporting an issue to us;
  • Use a VPN or any other software to mask your location while testing (we can detect this and will not be able to accept your playtest). Testers are also not allowed to use emulators;
  • Ignore any required in-game playtest tasks;
  • Have more than one account with PlaytestCloud;
  • Make derogatory comments about the developers or the gaming company directly (we only need your thoughts about the game itself).

When accepting a playtest or an interview slot, please ensure that you are able to commit to these rules. If you do not follow them, it could result in playtest submissions being denied payment and/or removal from the PlaytestCloud database.

Important note: Please remember you'll need to have access to the email address you used to sign up to PlaytestCloud. If you need help with a playtest, the only way that we can verify profile ownership is if you contact us from the email address connected to your profile. If you ever lose the access to that email, we won't be able to help you further.

Thanks for playtesting and for your interest in helping us to improve mobile games. Happy gaming!