Completing the qualification test

You need to pass the qualification test before you can start receiving invites to paid playtest. For the moment, the test needs to be completed on an iOS or Android device.

Get started

Kindly look for one of the emails we've sent, with has a subject such as "Thanks for signing up..." or "Would you still like to be a playtester?".

You just click the green button in the email and follow the instructions to start - our recording software will record you and upload to our servers at the same time! Please note, you will need to allow the recording manually.

Tips for the test

  • We record all the actions on the screen and what you say through the microphone so please keep that in mind. 
  • Make sure you talk throughout the recording, in English, as this is required from you in paid playtests.
  • We recommend turning off your notifications when playtesting so you don’t get disturbed by a message. 

Stopping the recording

When using the PlaytestCloud: Be a Playtester app, you will need to manually end the recording when you're done. The recording will upload to us automatically as long as you're connected to strong wifi. 

The test will not stop automatically when you reach 5 minutes of recording time. It is up to you to decide when you're done, especially as there are also tasks in the test that you'll need to complete.

Not sure what to talk about when testing? We've made a video that will help!