How to: Complete tasks - Using the PlaytestCloud app on iOS and Android
You may sometimes get a playtest that has special tasks. These are displayed differently depending on whether you are using the PlaytestCloud: Be a Playtester app with Android or iOS.
Prefer to watch a video? We have one about tasks here!
Tasks on iOS (Android is shown below)
On an iOS device, the tasks will only be featured in the app, not in the game itself. You will be able to read through what is required from you before you go into the game.
The tasks will not be accessible while you are playing, so testers will need to return to the app in order to see the next task.
Here is an example of a task list in the app:
As you can see, there is also a button which will allow you to switch to or open the playtest.
How to complete tasks on iOS
The tasks need to be completed in order, so you only need to remember one at a time! When you have completed a task, swap back to the PlaytestCloud app and then check off the task by tapping on the box next to it. You can then take note of the next task and return to the game.
Do not check them all off at once, or write them down. You will need to return to the app to check them off one-by-one, when they are completed.
Tasks on Android
When you open the game, you’ll see the tasks in a bubble on your screen. By tapping on this bubble, you can open and close the tasks.
How to complete tasks on Android
You’ll need to complete the tasks one by one. Only tap the completion checkbox when you have definitely completed the task.
Problems with a task? iOS or Android
If you have any problems with a task, try to do your best to complete it and talk us through what you're finding difficult. If you find that it is impossible, move on with the playtest as long as that task didn't affect your course through the game. Once you've submitted the test, let us know so that we have a heads up about your issue. We will then be able to take this into account when it comes to your reward payment.
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