Can I Increase My Chances Of Getting A Playtest?


It’s tough to predict when you’ll get a new playtest because when we arrange a playtest, we randomly select players who fit the demographic the game developers want to target. You can check out our video on the process.

However, to increase the likelihood of getting a playtest, it's best to keep your profile updated, especially the device you are using and your favorite and current games. We will also send you email reminders about updating your profile! 

When updating your profile, make sure to only add games to your profile that you have played extensively. Developers often want playtesters who are experiencing their product for the first time. If you list games that you haven't played a lot, you might be excluding yourself from playtests you are relevant for.

For info about how to fill out your profile, see our video!

Like gaming on PC too?

We'll be introducing PC playtests later this year! To get prepared, you can now add Windows PC's to your profile!

If you have a question that is not included here, you can always ask our Community Manager at