What is playtesting with PlaytestCloud?

PlaytestCloud was created to help game developers learn more about what players think about their games and to see if there are any issues that need to be addressed. For players, it's a chance to make some money on the side while improving the world of games! 

What is a playtest?

A playtest is a process where a game (whether it’s a video game, tabletop game, or any other type of game) is tested by players before its final release - or even after being released! Playtests can be conducted at different stages of development: From basic concepts and designs to early prototypes to final checks before release.

The purpose is to identify any issues, such as confusing mechanics, and to gather input on the overall experience.

What happens during a playtest?

While playtesting, players interact with the game and provide commentary on various aspects of it, including gameplay, controls, graphics, and enjoyment. These comments help developers improve the game, ensuring that it’s enjoyable and functioning well when it reaches its audience.

Like gaming on PC too? We'll be introducing PC playtests later this year! To get prepared for those, you can now add Windows PC's to your profile!

If you have any other questions about being a playtester, please get in touch with our Community Manager on help@playtestcloud.com