What happens if I miss a playtest?

We completely understand if something else comes up so it's no worries if you need to miss a test. 

However, if you have organised a time slot for an interview or interview with gameplay, you will need to cancel it.

How to cancel a scheduled time slot

Find your invitation email which contains the confirmed time slot along with the reward amount.

Go down to the section which says "Can't make it?". Use the link there to cancel your time slot.

We've attached an image of what this section looks like:

What happens if I don't cancel my interview time slot?

Not showing up to the interview without canceling will negatively affect your likelihood of being invited to future interviews.

Don't forget that a game developer has set up this time slot, so non-attendance will affect their findings. When you inform us that you can't attend a session, we're able to find another tester to take part.