Do I need to talk while playtesting? If yes, in which language?
The short answer is - yes, you need to talk while playtesting.
The qualification test and the majority of our playtests require testers to talk while recording. Without providing any commentary during these, you would not actually complete the test.
Make sure that you provide a good amount of commentary while recording in order to be eligible for rewards.
Check out this video, which gives ideas about what you can talk about while playtesting!
What's the long answer?
We run playtests from time to time which do not require any audio. Testers for these playtests are informed in the special instructions in the invite email.
If you haven't seen any specific instructions about whether or not to talk, it's best to assume that you need to!
And the language?
Our working language is English and all correspondence with us should be in English.
There might be some playtests where we specifically say that it's okay to speak other languages, but if you don't see any information about the language you are required to speak then it's safe to assume that it's English.
You should also change your device's language to English.
The qualification test will need to be completed in English. If another language is used, that will be an automatic fail.
Why do I need to talk out loud?
The game developers want to know what you are thinking while you play their game. Is there an aspect of the game that is confusing or frustrating? What do you like/dislike most while you are playing? When you talk out loud while you are playing your feedback will accurately reflect exactly what you are thinking and feeling in that moment.
When you are talking in real time, there is no worry about forgetting feedback later on, as everything will be said in real-time as you think it. Developers can also understand the thought process behind decisions being made in-game, and see whether or not they need to make changes according to the findings.
Top tip: Make sure that you talk throughout the whole recording. For example: Even if you've been asked to complete a 30-minute playtest, you will still need to continue talking through your thoughts if you record for longer than that. We will be reviewing the entire recording!
If you have any other questions about PlaytestCloud, please get in touch with our Community Manager on