What are the different types of playtests?

Here at Playtestcloud, we run many different types of playtests! We've listed them all below:


The most common type of playtest that you can receive is just one recording session. This will also include a survey, which needs to be completed after recording. It's best to complete the survey as soon as possible, so that your thoughts about the game are still fresh!

Tip: Don't forget that if you're not in the location you listed on your profile, you won't be able to complete the survey or be rewarded.


This is another very common type, in which testers have to record once per day, over a certain number of days. It normally includes daily surveys, but the actual requirements will be listed on the invitation email. Here is an article with further info about longitudinal playtests and we've also made a video


A multi-session playtest requires more than one recording session. Unlike longitudinal playtests, testers do not need to record once per day during these as they can record more often. Instead, they just need to take a break, the length of which will be mentioned in the playtest invite along with survey requirements. 


These playtests require many players at once. This means that they will receive a timeslot on their playtest invite. Testers will need to start and finish their recording in that time in order to receive the follow-up survey and complete the playtest.

Concept tests

With these, the developers have some new ideas that they would like feedback on. This could be new character designs, storylines or even ads. Concept tests are normally in the form of a slideshow, and contain questions that testers will need to answer out loud. 

Live playtests (interviews with gameplay)

An interviewer will join this remote in-app session. Testers will need to download a game ahead of the playtest, and play during the time slot. The interviewer will ask questions about their gameplay and experience during the session. Here's a video about getting set up for a live playtests.

We also run the following tests, which do not require any gameplay:

Standalone surveys

These require written responses and can be completed on any device. Testers will need to make sure that questions with long responses fit the minimum 30-character requirement.

Interviews/Focus groups

These are a discussion about a game or concept. These take place in the app and testers need to show their face. If you are invited to one of these but are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible. using the "Can't make it?" link in the invite email. Here's a video about how playtest interviews at PlaytestCloud work.

Like gaming on PC too? We'll be introducing PC playtests later this year! To get prepared for those, you can now add Windows PC's to your profile!

If you have a questions about any of this or anything else, please get in touch with the Community Manager at help@playtestcloud.com.