Why are there Screener Surveys and what do you do with the Data?

We send out screener surveys before playtests to ensure that our game developers get results from testers who can provide them with the most valuable feedback. This is normally from testers who have specific experience with a game, such as playing an earlier version or reaching a certain level. 

Testers will need to complete these to have a chance to be selected for the following playtest. The responses that they give are used to help us decide who fits the desired target audience the best. 
Apart from the gameplay recording, the game developer will also receive your first name, age, the country you live in, and the list of games that you play. This demographic information helps developers to see how certain audiences interact with their game.
Other than helping us to select the best testers for the playtest, we can also use the answers to update our testers’ profiles. If a tester mentions some experience with a certain game in a screener survey, then this information will be transferred to their profile automatically. The responses will not be used for anything else. 
All information about the data we collect and how it is used is detailed in our privacy policy

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